French Cantatas by Clerambault, Collin de Blamont & Stuck

French Cantatas by Clerambault, Collin de Blamont & Stuck cover $25.00 Out of Stock
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French Cantatas by Clerambault, Collin de Blamont & Stuck
Smith - Delunsch - Falix, Les Musiciens du Louvre, Marc Minkowski

[ Archiv blue / CD ]

Release Date: Saturday 12 October 2002

the new dedicated reduced-price catalogue series for Archiv Produktion.

Archiv Blue is the new dedicated reduced-price catalogue series for Archiv Produktion.

It offers the same wide selection of Early Music and features all the top artists on the label, including Trevor Pinnock, Paul McCreesh, Reinhard Goebel and Marc Minkowski.


François Collin de Blamont (1690-1760)
(Cantata for solo voice and orchestra)

Louis-Nicolas Clérambault (1676-1749)
Le Soleil, vainqueur des nuages
(Allegorical cantata on the recovery of the King's health)

Jean-Baptiste Stuck (Batistin) (1680-1755)
Héraclite et Démocrite
(Cantata for two voices and orchestra)