We Couldn't Think Of A Title

We Couldn't Think Of A Title cover $35.00 Out of Stock
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We Couldn't Think Of A Title

[ Rock Ridge Music / CD ]

Release Date: Monday 28 June 2010

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1 Indecision - :58
2 Scrotal Torment - 2:58
3 Two Ton Paperweight - 4:32
4 Death Burger! - :53
5 No Pun Intended - :09
6 Why, Oh, Why? - 5:09
7 Pluh - 5:50
8 Beer! - 2:14
9 Prozak Milkshake - 5:54
10 Throwin' Down - 5:17
11 I Hate Doing Laundry - :27
12 Return of the Death Burger - :23
13 Largiloquent Dithyramb - 5:06
14 Lizard Sphere X - 2:30
15 Orgasm = Love - 4:47
16 Good Morning - 1:37
17 In a Band to Get Chicks - 4:11
18 Fake My Own Death and Go Platinum - 15:26
19 Abcdeath [*] - 1:07
20 The Jagermeister Love Song [*] - 2:28