Quartet (Blu-Ray Disc)

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Quartet (Blu-Ray Disc) 

[ Paramount / Blu-ray Disc ]

Release Date: Sunday 14 April 2013

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Rated: M - Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993M No Notes

M: Offensive language.

Dirty little secrets stir up the reunion of a world-famous quartet - an eccentric diva, her ex-husband, a lustful baritone, and the scatter-brained object of his desire make
up a cast of vivid characters. Funny and touching, this story of four friends reconciled and revived by their love of applause. Dustin Hoffman directs Academy Award winner
Maggie Smith, two-time Academy Award nominee Tom Courtenay and award-winning actor and comedian Billy Connolly in a mischievous comedy about life and love.

See the trailer for Quartet here (via YouTube)