Complete Works for Piano (with music by de Falla)

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Complete Works for Piano (with music by de Falla)
Joyce Hatto (piano)

[ Concert Artists / CD ]

Release Date: Saturday 30 September 2006

"William Hedley's notes are full of important detail. The sound is full, clear and immediate, without any splintering in fortes. And the bonus of Hatto's own amusingly wry recollections is a very real one. As I said, if you invested in Hamelin you owe it to yourself, and also to Dukas, to seek out Hatto."
Recording of the Month MusicWeb Nov 2006


Piano Sonata in E flat Minor
1. Moderement vite
2. Calme
3. Vivement
4. Tres lent

Variations, Interlude et Finale sur un theme de Rameau

La plainte, au loin, du faune
Prelude elegiaque

Manuel de Falla
Pour le Tombeau de Paul Dukas