Complete String Quartets [7 CD set]

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Complete String Quartets [7 CD set]
Suske Quartett

[ Brilliant Classics / 7 CD Box Set ]

Release Date: Monday 22 April 2013

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The genius of Beethoven is probably not most commonly associated with chamber music. The pieces in this collection can be grouped according to three distinct periods of Beethoven's life.

The genius of Beethoven is probably not most commonly associated with chamber music. Indeed, for considerable stretches of his career he
avoided the string quartet, a musical form with such an exalted status at the time; he mostly took on the challenge towards the ends of what are often regarded as his two 'creative periods'. When he did, however, he was at the pinnacle of his chamber music abilities.

The pieces in this collection can be grouped according to three distinct periods of Beethoven's life. The first set
are to some extent indebted to Haydn and Mozart - as the melancholic Op.18 No.6 shows in particular but equally
show Beethoven starting to forge anew path of his own. The
(at the time) somewhat misunderstood middle set stretch the quartet form to near‐ symphonic length, and add a level of virtuosity worthy of the concert hall rather than the traditionally private sphere of chamber music.

Finally, the lastset transcend the composer's previous
quartets both in form and harmony to reach a level of technical abstraction that was not recognised for its brilliance until after the composer's life - a quality audible especially in the quartet in B flat major, which Beethoven's biographer referred to as a 'monster of quartet music'.

The pieces are performed by the Suske Quartett, a German quartet whose popularity was at its height in the 1970s, and for whom recording Beethoven was a staple of their musical life: the recording career of the group's original line‐up both began and ended with Beethoven pieces.

Original Recordings from Berlin Classics


Complete String Quartets
• Op.18
• Menuet in A Hess 33
• Op.59 'Rasumovsky'
• No.10 in E‐Flat 'Harp'
• No.11 in F Minor
• 'Quartetto serioso'
• No.13 in B‐Flat Op.130
• Große Fuge in B‐Flat Op.133
• No.12 in E‐Flat Op.127
• No.14 in C‐Sharp Minor Op.131
• No.15 in A Minor Op.132
• No.16 in F Op.135