Gerard Souzay: Schumann: Dichterliebe and other songs

Gerard Souzay: Schumann: Dichterliebe and other songs cover $28.00 Out of Stock
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Gerard Souzay: Schumann: Dichterliebe and other songs
Gerard Souzay (baritone), Dalton Baldwin (piano)

[ Decca Most Wanted Recitals Vol. 43 / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 1 August 2014

"Souzay should...rank as one of the most elegant and sensitive song interpreters on record." (Sunday Telegraph)


Dichterliebe, Op. 48
Gedichte (6) und Requiem, Op. 90
Widmung, Op. 25 No. 1
Aus den östlichen Rosen, Op. 25 No. 25
Die beiden Grenadiere, Op. 49 No. 1
Liederkreis, Op. 24