In Memoriam

In Memoriam cover
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In Memoriam
MP4 Quartet, Bow Quintet

[ Cypres / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 20 April 2018

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"In memoriam" belongs to the sign of Gemini: that of the young composer Laurent Plumhans (b. 1984) who released his first album, the result as much of a theatrical itinerary as dramaturge and stage director as of traditional, classical music training at the conservatories of Liège and Brussels. "In memoriam" is also an echo of the composers who have fashioned the ear of Laurent Plumhans, as Ligeti or Chostakovitch. Laurent Plumhans has taken a highly personal compositional path that is in development, aleatory, shaped by the stage and, above all, built up in interaction with two ensembles - the MP4 Quartet and the BOW Quintet - who became enthusiastic partners. This work greatly advanced in post-production and was completed by the presence of electronics added right at the end.


1 Before
2 Run
3 Spirit
4 Now
5 Die, in memoriam Dimitri Chostakovitch
6 Walk in a white hall
7 Laugh
8 Dream, in memoriam György Ligeti and Johannes Brahms
9 After
10 Be
11 After Dream
12 Cry, in memoriam John Dowland