MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Barbara Hendricks - Mozart Opera and Conceret Arias

MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Barbara Hendricks - Mozart Opera and Conceret Arias cover
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MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Barbara Hendricks - Mozart Opera and Conceret Arias
Barbara Hendricks (soprano) / English Chamber Orchestra, Ion Marin

[ EMI Classics / CD ]

Release Date: Saturday 12 December 1998

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Recorded at Air Studios, London, March 1997


Concert Arias
Bella mia flamma...Resta, oh cara K 528
Vado, ma dove? K 583
Vol avete un cor fedele K.577
Al desio di chi t'adora K.577
Nehmt meinen Dank, ihr holden Gonner! K.383

Opera Arias from
Le Nozze di Figaro
Cosi fan Tutte
Don Giovanni