Discovering Masterpieces - Brahms - Violin Concerto (Documentary & performance recorded in 2002)

Discovering Masterpieces - Brahms - Violin Concerto (Documentary & performance recorded in 2002) cover $15.00 Out of Stock
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Discovering Masterpieces - Brahms - Violin Concerto (Documentary & performance recorded in 2002)
Gil Shaham (violin) / Berliner Philharmoniker, Claudio Abbado (cond)

[ Medici Arts / Ovation / DVD ]

Release Date: Thursday 1 October 2009

This item is currently out of stock. We expect to be able to supply it to you within 2 - 4 weeks from when you place your order.

Rated: G - Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993Suitable for General Audiences

A completely new way of experiencing and enjoying the great works of music from the baroque to the modern period. Each of these releases includes extensive documentation and a complete performance of the work in question.

Dolby 2.0
Documentary: 27 minutes / Performance: 42 minutes

"Technically brilliant readings" The New York Times

"The poetic and dramatic charge is electric… Musicians always know when something special is happening and a look Abbado flashes Shaham during the first movement says it all." BBC Music Magazine, March 2008 *****

"The poetic and dramatic charge is electric… Musicians always know when something special is happening and a look Abbado flashes Shaham during the first movement says it all." BBC Music Magazine