Static Age

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Static Age

[ Caroline / CD ]

Release Date: Tuesday 15 July 1997


1 Static Age - 1:47
2 T.V. Casualty - 2:23
3 Some Kinda Hate - 2:01
4 Last Caress - 1:57
5 Return of the Fly - 1:39
6 Hybrid Moments - 1:42
7 We Are 138 - 1:41
8 Teenagers From Mars - 2:52
9 Come Back - 4:58
10 Angelf*** - 1:37
11 Hollywood Babylon - 2:20
12 Attitude - 1:30
13 Bullet - 1:37
14 Theme for a Jackal - 2:40
15 She - 1:24
16 Spinal Remains - 1:27
17 In the Doorway - 1:29