Suggestions: Anxiety

Items related to Anxiety

Since you are interested in Anxiety, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.

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Born to Die cover
add to cart $25.00 In Stock
Lana Del Rey
Born to Die
[ Interscope / CD - released 9/Feb/2012 ]
Brittle, emotional, cascading with cinematic reference points, Lana's song writing is evidently technicolour. Sometimes stars emerge. Sometimes stars are thrust upon us. And sometimes stars simply slip into the atmosphere as if propelled by...
Ceremonials cover
add to cart $30.00 Low Stock
Florence + The Machine
[ Island Records / CD - released 3/Nov/2011 ]
A captivating art-pop vision that's as much for dancers as it is for dreamers, for ravers as for rockers, for the living as the drowned and dead-and-gone.