Pop-up Globe Theatre Company / Paul McLaney
Heart's Ease: Music From Pop-up Globe Auckland 2016 [ Independent / CD - released 24/Jun/2016 ] This collection features the all-original music composed by Paul McLaney for the 2016 Pop-Up Globe seasons of Romeo & Juliet and Twelfth Night. Musicians: Paul McLaney - guitar, vocals Oscar West - fiddles, irish whistles, pipes,... |
Pop-up Globe Theatre Company / Victoria Girling-Butcher (vocals) Paul McLaney (guitar & vocals) & others
Under the Greenwood Tree [ Pop-Up Globe International Ltd CD / CD - released 31/Mar/2017 ] Following on from the 2016 sell-out season of the replica Globe Theatre's Shakespeare plays comes this CD featuring the 2017 cast. Paul Mclaney, Oscar West and Bruce Lynch have again melded their compositions seamlessly with William Shakespeare's... |